Make-A-Wish believes in the healing power of wishes. That is why they fulfil the he hearts desires of children between 3 and 18 years old with a life-threatening medical disease.Because if a child can believe that his wish will come true, then he can also believe that he will get better!!
The origin of this foundation is located in the US. A seven year old boy from Arizona with leukemia wanted to become a police officer. Most children have plenty of time to realise their dreams, but Christopher unfortunately did not because of his disease. His mother and her friends made this dream come true. They had a police uniform made in his size and organised a day where he could feel like a real police officer. The impact of wish fulfilment on Christopher and his family inspired them to create the Make-A-Wish foundation.
The founder and honorary chairwoman of the Make-A-Wish foundation Belgium is Marie-Christiane de Corswarem. She read an article about the foundation and this affected her so much that she decided to set up a Belgian department. She contacted the American organisation and received permission to start a belgian department in 1990. To date, Marie-Christiane is still active in the organisation.
The Make-A-Wish foundation is now active in 50 countries across 5 continents. In total more than 32.000 volunteers who have fulfilled more than 335.000 wishes since 1980.

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